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原文 The Elements of Statistical Learning
翻译 szcf-weiya
发布 2017-03-14

广义可加模型的最系统的资料是Hastie and Tibshirani(1990)1.这个工作在医学问题上的不同应用在Hastie et al. (1989)2和Hastie and Herman (1990)3中有讨论,而且在Chambers and Hastie (1991)3中描述了Splus软件的实现.Green and Silverman (1994)4讨论了在不同设定下惩罚和样条模型.Efron and Tibshirani(1991)5对非数学读者,介绍了统计的现代发展(包括广义加性模型).分类和回归树至少追溯到Morgan and Sonquist(1963)6.我们已经采用Breiman et al. (1984)7和Quinlan (1993)8等人的现代方法.PRIM方法归功于Friedman and Fisher(1989)9.专家的系统混合由Jordan and Jacobs (1994)10提出;也参见Jacobs et al. (1991)11

  1. Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (1990). Generalized Additive Models, Chapman and Hall, London. 

  2. Hastie, T., Botha, J. and Schnitzler, C. (1989). Regression with an ordered categorical response, Statistics in Medicine 43: 884–889. 

  3. Hastie, T. and Herman, A. (1990). An analysis of gestational age, neonatal size and neonatal death using nonparametric logistic regression, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 43: 1179–90. 

  4. Green, P. and Silverman, B. (1994). Nonparametric Regression and Generalized Linear Models: A Roughness Penalty Approach, Chapman and Hall, London. 

  5. Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1991). Statistical analysis in the computer age, Science 253: 390–395. 

  6. Morgan, J. N. and Sonquist, J. A. (1963). Problems in the analysis of survey data, and a proposal, Journal of the American Statistical Association 58: 415–434. 

  7. Breiman, L., Friedman, J., Olshen, R. and Stone, C. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees, Wadsworth, New York. 

  8. Quinlan, R. (1993). C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo. 

  9. Friedman, J. and Fisher, N. (1999). Bump hunting in high dimensional data, Statistics and Computing 9: 123–143. 

  10. Jordan, M. and Jacobs, R. (1994). Hierachical mixtures of experts and the EM algorithm, Neural Computation 6: 181–214. 

  11. Jacobs, R., Jordan, M., Nowlan, S. and Hinton, G. (1991). Adaptive mixtures of local experts, Neural computation 3: 79–87. 

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