The full signature of the glmnet function is:

glmnet(x, y, 
       weights, offset=NULL, alpha = 1, nlambda = 100,
       lambda.min.ratio = ifelse(nobs<nvars,0.01,0.0001), lambda=NULL,
       standardize = TRUE, intercept=TRUE, thresh = 1e-07,  dfmax = nvars + 1,
       pmax = min(dfmax * 2+20, nvars), exclude, penalty.factor = rep(1, nvars),
       lower.limits=-Inf, upper.limits=Inf, maxit=100000,
       standardize.response=FALSE, type.multinomial=c("ungrouped","grouped"))


Deviance Measure

  • \(\hat\bmu_\lambda\): the \(N\)-vector of fitted mean values when the parameter is \(\lambda\)
  • \(\tilde\bmu\): the unrestricted or saturated fit(having \(\hat y=y_i\)).


\[ \Dev_\lambda \doteq 2[\ell(\y, \tilde \bmu)-\ell(\y,\hat\bmu_\lambda)]\,, \] where \(\ell(\y,\bmu)\) is the log-likelihood of the model \(\bmu\), a sum of \(N\) terms.

Null deviance

\[ \Dev_\null = \Dev_\infty\,. \] Typically, \(\hat\bmu_\infty=\bar y\1\), or \(\hat\bmu_\infty=\0\) in the cox family.

glmnet reports the fraction of deviance explained

\[ D^2_\lambda = \frac{\Dev_\null-\Dev_\lambda}{\Dev_\null}\,. \]

The name \(D^2\) is by analogy with \(R^2\), the fraction of variance explained in regression.


For all models, the glmnet algorithm admits a range of elastic-net penalties ranging from \(\ell_2\) to \(\ell_1\). The general form of the penalized optimization problem is

\[ \min_{\beta_0,\beta}\Big\{-\frac 1N\ell(\y;\beta_0,\beta)+\lambda\sum_{j=1}^p\gamma_j\{(1-\alpha)\beta_j^2+\alpha\vert \beta_j\vert\}\Big\}\,. \]


As kjytay discussed in his post, A deep dive into glmnet: penalty.factor, we can find that the sum of penalty modifiers is exactly 1.

First generate some data,

n = 100; p = 5; p.true = 2
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
beta = matrix(c(rep(1, p.true), rep(0, p - p.true)), ncol = 1)
y = X %*% beta + 3 * rnorm(n)

We fit two models, one uses the default options, another use penalty.factor=rep(2,5)

fit = glmnet(X, y)
fit2 = glmnet(X, y, penalty.factor = rep(2, 5))

We can find that these two models have the exact same lambda sequence and produce the same beta coefficients.

sum(fit$lambda != fit2$lambda)
## [1] 0
sum(fit$beta != fit2$beta)
## [1] 0


All the models allow for an offset term. That is a real valued number \(o_i\) for each observation, that gets added to the linear predictor, and is not associated with any parameter:

\[ \eta(x_i) = o_i + \beta_0 + \beta^Tx_i\,. \]

For Poisson models the offset allows us to model rates rather than mean counts, if the observation period differs for each observation. Suppose we observe a count \(Y\) over period \(t\), then \(\E[Y\mid T=t,X=x]=t\mu(x)\), where \(\mu(x)\) is the rate per unit time. Using the log link, we would supply \(o_i=\log t_i\) for each observation.


The necessity of standardizing our features before model fitting is common practice in statistical learning. This is because that our features are on vastly different scales, the features with larger scales will tend to dominate the action


Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Wainwright, M. (n.d.). Statistical Learning with Sparsity, 362.

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